Friday, July 22, 2011

Fingers crossed

Woke up to hear about the attacks in norway. Hope they get through that. Although, one has to ask. Norway? Seriously? What have they done to anyone? Much less lately. Now, its too early to call them terrorist attacks as terrorists do love to prance in front of the camera. And i dont think anyone has yet. So, prayers and thoughts out to all of you.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good deeds done

Yay. My package finally made it to my pal, harmony who is currently laid up in the hospital. I kind of got the timing wrong and sent it where she wasnt. Doh. However, it worked out.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Updates galore

Just updated the new portfolio blog. Kind of cool when you think about it. I just gotta add illustrations and freelance work next.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Health update (not serious)

Man, my left knee is still acting up but I'm determined to test it out on Monday. I am going to try some yoga and stretching type stuff and that's hard on the joints but the rather high heat should give me a decent stretch without any sort of dynamic motion, right? Or rather, that's the theory anyway.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Delays upon delays

Actually not really. I was using that mobile app (the 3rd one. Bloggeroid I think this time) and it seems to work alright, but I found myself depending on my phone a bit too much for my taste. (Which has always been a bit of a fear of mine. It does does it really need me?) I also wanted to take a bit of a break to update my resume and do s'more job searching. Recently, I've started my chinese lessons again too. It was really visiting my aunt over the holiday weekend that did that to me. I have been dragging my feet on it for a few weeks. I guess a lot of 2nd or cross-cultural folks have this problem. You don't feel like you belong in either culture...yet you don't know anything else. In my case, I don't really feel American or Chinese...but I'm both. I guess all those stereotypes really come out to bite me in the ass. I don't like math or play piano. (Sorry, guys).
Recently, I found out about an MMA fighter, Denis Siver, that deals with the same thing. He's German-Russian. So, it isn't easier no matter where or what you are. I think with the world getting smaller and inter-breeding, it's only a matter of time before we all start looking like Tiger Woods.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July roadtrip

Made it back in one piece from the roadtrip (with fam-mom, dad, oldest bro) to see my younger bro in Chicago. It was pretty bizarre and we made good time. I guess the weird part was the diversions we made while we were over there. I got to see my aunt (actually my mom's oldest sister). I had not seen her in awhile and it was good to see her. I think we saw her a bit longer than we wanted, as my mom and I would wind up staying the night at her place...instead of my brother's (more comfortable) house.
Other than that, we did get some relaxing done but sadly no bbq. Apparently, his propane tank either had a leak or was not closed properly. D'oh. However, I mean to fix that tomorrow. ;o)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Before a roadtrip

Yay! Going to be driving up to chicago to see my bro (and maybe a few friends) for the holiday weekend. I hope everyone is planning on a safe july 4th! The major thing to me is putting my contacts on so early in the morning. Like 6am early. Its just easier with regular sunglasses and not those crazy old people cyclops visor.

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