Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The New Season

I can't believe they just had American Idol auditions @ the scottrade center yesterday. Didn't the season...just end? The tour of contestants hasn't even come around yet. That's so bizarre and wrong to me.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mobile blogging

Wow, third app is the charm, right? I'm kind of mixed about it mostly because my cell phone is giving me trouble at the moment. I seem to get a lot of slow connection speeds and not the prime 4G network I've been paying for all this time.
Does that make me a cell phone diva? How did those poor iPhone users ever use that 3G network?! It's like crawling. Muha ha ha ha ha.
The other question that bothers me about it, is how to "un-plug" from all the technology we're plugging into our society (and soon, our bodies)? Maybe I just feel like throwing it all away and going off-grid? I never thought I'd be taking advice from a Sandra Bullock movie. Oy vey. I feel like the more these things do, the more we need them. Much like an addiction. Soon, you can't see your life without a smartphone. And you need more speed. More. More. More!! Bah, and my life doesn't revolve around technology, a smartphone, or a computer. It revolves around me. They are tools to help us. Not replace us. Just very fancy large stone knives. With fire inside.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Rule of 3 update

It is peter falk. Rip

Posted via Blogaway

Another clever third title

This, for once doesnt have anything to do with death or dying but the amount of mobile blogging apps i have used. Haha. This way, my cat can still snooze on my leg while writing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rule of Three a'comin' to town

Yes, it's about time for another "rule of 3" to come down the pike. Although, you can call this one a bit of a stretch. Clarence Clemons (RIP) passed away due to stroke complications. Wow, talk about sad on that one. He's done so much but after his stroke, I'm sure the writing was already on the wall. At least he was at peace.
Secondly, we have Ryan Dunn, of Jackass fame. And if there never was a title more fitting. First of all, it really just seems like a bunch of suburban kids decided to film themselves doing a bunch of dumb...stuff. And honestly, Mr. Dunn was killed via drunk driving. Maybe as much as 130mph. He was no saint, that's for sure but I can't really mourn a guy who does something so absolutely stupid. (Ironic, as the stunts didn't kill him but this did) Do I confess to being the morality police? No. The dangers of drunk driving are universal and very real-even for pseudo-celebrities.
for #3...?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Post-Father's Day

Well, hope everyone had a good father's day. Mine was alright, except my dad is still crazy. Just kidding, dad. I normally try to take my dad out to lunch the week-of, etc. (mostly because he works at night, so taking him out to dinner isn't a possibility) and I think it's also cool to have that one-on-one less formal stuff. Sometimes holidays, birthdays, and things like that get a little hectic with people calling and/or visiting. However, we went post and not pre- this year.
Otherwise, still relatively uneventful. Still unemployed but looking and hoping some things pan out. Not sure what to make of some of them as well, I've had a lot of promises made to me that never really panned out. How do you deal with that? It's frustrating but you never stop.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A better idea

Just thinking about how best to group my portfolio together. Tags are good but I don't want any of my other blogs to get in the way. Hhmmm...maybe a seperate section?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Laser cats

I must have some sort of pheromone that makes people want to have awkward conversations around me. Damn, I'm in the wrong business.

As Promised (Stuff from APSI)

Here's a selection of works that I had done for APSI. All of the images are used with permission and their shapes are copyrighted, so, well, if you feel like dealing with their attorneys...go ahead. I'm not going to stop you.
Redesigned Cell phone (@2001) Note the stylish "faceplate"

Catalog Page (@2004)

Diabetic/Blood Sugar Machine. I forget the brand

Safety Barrel

Tool Box

Trash Can. There was a team that redesigned this one, so, not just me.

Transamerica Tower they did for a promotion

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Double standards?

Hello all. Trying another mobile app and we will have to see if it works better than the last one. Anyway, been catching up on the anthony weiner news. I find it really weird that there is a big movement for him to resign. Both sides of the aisle finally agree on something! However, I can't help but think of the bill clinton/monica lewinsky scandal. I don't remember a unanimous call for clinton to resign. I think he took it like a big joke. Yet...isn't sleeping with an intern (and lying about it) just as bad as twitpics?
Just some food for thought.

Mobile and dangerous

Okay, trying out a new app that let's me blog remotely. Or at least not sitting at my computer. Yeehah.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Low-Class Mendicant

After doing my own bit of research on fighting games, I'm realizing why the world's (not just America's) children are so messed up and un-coordinated. Too much dependent on the "big punch." Seriously, have you heard of a jab? Hell, or even a low kick? Too interested in looking cool than getting the job done, eh? Then you should "stick to playing with your windmills!" (Marshall Law/Pat Mills & Kevin O'Neill 1993)You have to set up those power shots or they'll be easy to avoid. And yes, I speak from experience.
Take, for instance, the redone Splatterhouse (xbox360/ps3). Yes, you've got a magic and about 100lbs of evil hemoglobin...and yet all you throw are power punches. *facepalm*. That makes me sad. No wonder you are getting your ass kicked by a shadow. Or zombies. Or, well, whatever. You have no technique, young padawan. And if the Gracie family has taught us anything, without are lost.
Sure, I enjoy a good screen-clearing blast of ball lightning but I also know that any enemy worth a salt is not going to give me the two seconds it takes to quarter-circle+Punch his ass back into the abyss.
Just my thoughts. Discuss.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday amidst the heat

Good morning/afternoon internet. I have been contemplating doing a blog for awhile but never did it until now. There are a few reasons for that:
1) Do I really have anything to say?
2) Do I have the time to commit to a blog and not totally forget it in a few weeks?
3) Isn't so...1999?!

Which are legitimate questions to ask yourself before starting a blog. The last thing I want to do is half-ass myself, much less anyone else. So, with that, we're off. I should be posting random things such as my opinions on current events, my current job search, and later on photos of my illustration, memorial, and other assorted works (portfolio stuff. No stealing).