Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mobile blogging

Wow, third app is the charm, right? I'm kind of mixed about it mostly because my cell phone is giving me trouble at the moment. I seem to get a lot of slow connection speeds and not the prime 4G network I've been paying for all this time.
Does that make me a cell phone diva? How did those poor iPhone users ever use that 3G network?! It's like crawling. Muha ha ha ha ha.
The other question that bothers me about it, is how to "un-plug" from all the technology we're plugging into our society (and soon, our bodies)? Maybe I just feel like throwing it all away and going off-grid? I never thought I'd be taking advice from a Sandra Bullock movie. Oy vey. I feel like the more these things do, the more we need them. Much like an addiction. Soon, you can't see your life without a smartphone. And you need more speed. More. More. More!! Bah, and my life doesn't revolve around technology, a smartphone, or a computer. It revolves around me. They are tools to help us. Not replace us. Just very fancy large stone knives. With fire inside.

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