Monday, November 21, 2011

Ditching the dead weight

The homeopathic detective agency is going along well. In fact, I just posted this week's update. I'm shooting to get another panel or two done before Thursday so this will be the 2nd week in a row with 2 updates! My goodness, I guess I started that a bit early. I wasn't planning on doing that until 2012.
Unfortunately, I had to 86 a friend this past week. It wasn't very easy but well, the sheer amount of arrogance, bigotry, and intolerance coming out of their mouth was just too much for me to ignore any longer. The kicker was when they were talking about how much more important they were than someone else...while waiting in the therapist's office. *facepalm* So, for someone with their own mental and physical issues to pass judgement like that? You'd think they would be more understanding of others. I wrote them an email and have been avoiding their calls. Despite knowing them for over a year, it's pathetic. It's been a complete waste of my time. To "know" someone that harbors this much hate, still, I am not about to waste one more second of my life in their hatred. They need help but it's obvious that they still do not "get it." No matter how much your therapist costs, if you can make fun of someone else, it proves it isn't working. So, no more. At least not for Philip. However they want to live is fine with me. I can only imagine them playing the victim to their real friends and family. Kind of sad and funny but well, that's what life is, at times.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Month-long slumber

Yay. Just after posting of page 4 of The Homeopathic Detective Agency. I'm learning a few things about this process. One, it takes more time than you think. I also am a work-in-progress. Things work out in your head but don't always work in paper. One of my issues, at least art-wise was not just being sketchy but how to get the best line and energy on the page. On some pages, it works better than others. Sometimes things look a bit...forced to me. This is one of the reasons I was tempted to do another quick series-see if I could get some better technique down. This time, I redrew panels. Which I've only done a handful of times.  I'm glad I did but when you do it's difficult, you know? You've spent all that time doing it the first time just to erase it and start over. Haha.
I do see myself getting better-not just technique wise but pacing and things like that. It's I don't think I've had a chance to show my strengths yet. I don't know how many people are actually following but it was important to me to get something out there. A body of work that you could look at after some time. You think about it a different way when everyone else can see. A lack of net, as it were. Some things are good and some things are bad. However, I do like producing things on a regular basis. I just have to shore up the regular job and drive situation and I think we'll be in business.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Been a busy few days here. I've been re-organizing my stuff. I've been here at my bro's house over a year and it just strikes me that there's still stuff just laying around and misplaced. I never did intend to be here this long but getting laid off does that to a person. (The past two years haven't been the best professionally for me) I cleaned off my drawing desk so I am not bumping into things as I try to use a t-square.
It's funny, as there never seems to be enough time to do what you want to do in a day. No matter how much (or how little) you're working. I'm trying my best to find something else but I don't think that's going to happen until at least January. I've said that even when I didn't want/need a new job though. It's the end of the year with ending budgets and the holidays coming up. Unless it's something don't hire someone only for them to take a few days off (thanksgiving and christmas). I am sure there are exceptions but far, no personal experience with them! (still trying though)
One thing about doing the Rob Kracker strip is how much it changes. At first, I thought of it like regular comics but I think that's the wrong approach. This is more like a newspaper strip. So, a few things (like framing etc) have to change to be more effective but I think it'll help the overall product. Inking wise, I've been getting better and I think I just get too nervous and start adding weird shit all over the page. Part of inking is to give things more emphasis-like the foreground. It's okay for a background to be just lines, still have to add text and things to the panel. As long as I can keep up with that, I will be fine and continue to improve. I'm determined to start using my hunts 102 pen nib this weekend as well. I think my rapidiographs are too far gone (eg. broken) to be saved but those bastards certainly earned their worth. I feel bad about not using them but broken needles are broken needles.