Friday, November 4, 2011


Been a busy few days here. I've been re-organizing my stuff. I've been here at my bro's house over a year and it just strikes me that there's still stuff just laying around and misplaced. I never did intend to be here this long but getting laid off does that to a person. (The past two years haven't been the best professionally for me) I cleaned off my drawing desk so I am not bumping into things as I try to use a t-square.
It's funny, as there never seems to be enough time to do what you want to do in a day. No matter how much (or how little) you're working. I'm trying my best to find something else but I don't think that's going to happen until at least January. I've said that even when I didn't want/need a new job though. It's the end of the year with ending budgets and the holidays coming up. Unless it's something don't hire someone only for them to take a few days off (thanksgiving and christmas). I am sure there are exceptions but far, no personal experience with them! (still trying though)
One thing about doing the Rob Kracker strip is how much it changes. At first, I thought of it like regular comics but I think that's the wrong approach. This is more like a newspaper strip. So, a few things (like framing etc) have to change to be more effective but I think it'll help the overall product. Inking wise, I've been getting better and I think I just get too nervous and start adding weird shit all over the page. Part of inking is to give things more emphasis-like the foreground. It's okay for a background to be just lines, still have to add text and things to the panel. As long as I can keep up with that, I will be fine and continue to improve. I'm determined to start using my hunts 102 pen nib this weekend as well. I think my rapidiographs are too far gone (eg. broken) to be saved but those bastards certainly earned their worth. I feel bad about not using them but broken needles are broken needles.

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